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As you can see, we have completely remodeled our website. There is a lot of new information. And within the next week, the pictures you see on the homepage will be pictures of our clients telling their story with HTC. We hope to change out the pictures and stories a couple of times a year. If you would be interested in sharing your story on our website, please contact Mike Hackett at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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A 2015 study found that 41% of households headed by someone aged 55 to 64 had no retirement savings, and only about a third of them had a traditional pension. Among households in this age group with savings, the median amount was just $104,000.1

Your own savings may be more substantial, but in general Americans struggle to meet their savings goals. Even a healthy savings account may not provide as much income as you would like over a long retirement.

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No doubt you've seen headlines reporting that a particular stock index is up or down. But do you know what an index is, and how understanding the nuts and bolts of a specific index may be helpful to you?

An index is simply a way to measure and report the fluctuations of a pool of securities or a representative segment of a market. An index is developed by a company that sets specific criteria to determine which securities are included in the index based on factors such as a company's size or location, or the liquidity of its stock. For example, the S&P 500 is an index made up of mostly large-cap U.S.-based companies that Standard & Poor's considers to be leading representatives of a cross-section of industries.

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You raised them, helped get them through school, and now your children are on their own. Or are they? Even adult children sometimes need financial help. But if your child asks you for a loan, don't pull out your checkbook until you've examined the financial and emotional costs. Start the process by considering a few key questions.

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It depends. One of the main objectives of the health-care reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), is to encourage uninsured individuals to obtain health-care coverage. As a result of the ACA, everyone must have qualifying health insurance coverage, qualify for an exemption, or pay a penalty tax. This requirement is generally referred to as the individual insurance or individual shared responsibility mandate.

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As an independent Trust Company we have been granted a charter of operation from the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions...

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1024 N Karwick Road
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
Business: 219.877.3500
Toll Free: 888.649.8969
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